Bad Church Habits (2)

It's Sunday again!!!

How was church?? I'll like to know how service went. As for me, each service I attend is always better than the last. It's always a time of renewal for me; and I always look forward to the next service. 

Err, last week we discussed some bad habits usually exhibited during services (not just Sunday, but weekly services)... Today, we're having the second and “maybe" the last part of the topic. I want to believe that after reading, you'd understand that if you're doing some of these things, you should change. To read the first part of this article, check here- Bad Habits During Service (1)

5. Talking and disturbing: if you're in this category, your name must have appeared frequently on the noise makers list in secondary school (I'm sorry if the words hit you. That's how it's paining me). Why will Pastor be preaching and you too you're preaching your own to your neighbour?? See ehn, I for no vex if you're at least respecting the man of God standing at the front; but some people have zero regard for the anointed man of God. If they ask you, you cannot give a 5 minutes summary of what the Pastor divulged in 45 minutes. Just one out of the scriptures he quoted, you cannot reiterate. It's very bad of you to be discussing with your neighbour when anyone at all, not just the Pastor now is standing at the front of the church and holds the microphone. Even if it's a 2 year old child, you should respect him or her for that moment they're standing there. Except what you're saying is about the sermon, which should not be except it's extremely important, you should not be a distraction to your neighbour and you shouldn't allow your neighbour disturb you. If you even have to say anything to your neighbour at all, let it be said in nothing less than 30-60 seconds. Any other addition, subtraction of multiplication you have to tell should be done after the service. In case you'd forget before service ends, write it down.

It's such a bad habit that later on, you'll discover you got nothing out of any of the services you've been attending for a while. Paying attention for the 3-4 hours you'll use in service is not too much. You have the remaining hours of the day to yourself. Honour God and help yourself by paying attention.

6. Those who don't bring their Bibles to church: I guess you're among the media subgroup. Even media subgroup members dey bring Bible come church; but you everytime, nah Bible app (that's if you even remember to open it during service). I mentioned media subgroup because I'm a member of that arm in church and I know how many heads go up when the Bible verse is projected. I try looking at their laps if they have a Bible placed there. Mostly, they don't, or it's a phone app (I know of a brother. He doesn't want to know how big the TV is, he'd always have his head buried in his hard copy Bible). I'm not saying you shouldn't use your Bible app. I use mine most especially ‘if I need to check other Bible translations asides KJV'. I'd personally prefer if I can have those other translations on paper. You've gotten so accustomed to this habit such that there's no difference in your appearance when you're going to church or a separate place. Ladies will carry big bags, only bring their phone out when it's time to read the Bible. You think if a Whatsapp message pop up, you wouldn't try to quickly check it?? If Facebook tells you someone replied to your comment, won't you rush to check?? You'd have spent about 10 minutes or more on it before you realize you're in church. My major concern about the Bible app is the distraction that accompanies it. I mean, some don't even bother to open the Bible app sef; they just focus on the screen waiting for the media arm of the church to project the Bible verse.

And some of you do this because you don't know where some places are in the Bible. If we give you the hard copy of the Bible. If we say open to the book of 3rd Corinthians, you'll be frantically searching for it. Some, if they ask them to list all the books of the OT (Old Testament), there'll be rounds of laughter because they don't know them or they end up pronouncing some books the wrong way. From my own point of view, if you cannot carry the hard copy Bible to church, either in your pocket (as in bag), or in your hand, you're ashamed of Jesus, and you don't want to be associated with Him. 

Bible app, Hard copy Bible, either way, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly." It's not by whatever means you use to read the Bible, but that you have the Word on the table of your heart. 

Sir William Tyndale of blessed memory got burnt alive in his day because He fought hard for everyone to have a copy of the Bible and not just the priests and leaders alone. Check some of your Bibles, even some Bible apps, I know of YouVersion, that underneath each chapter, you'll see “Tyndale House Publishers." Imagine someone fought for you and got burnt alive on a stake for you to have access to the Bible, but you're ashamed of carrying it about. Hmmm. Some people like me claim the Bible is too big because the bag I'm carrying is small. Hmmm.

I'm not saying having the soft copy Bible is wrong, but the day the phone runs out of battery, what happens then?? The day your phone gets spoilt, no Bible reading till you get a new one??

7. Disobeying ushers: of all groups in church, the only group I'm paranoid about is the ushering group. Before I can join them, it'd take Jesus coming down to tell me. I can even join in the protocol arm, or follow and be carrying speaker, but that ushering group... It's not for me. The way some treat ushers, I'm always offended and vexed on their behalf. They're treated like servants. Meanwhile, they're serving God, not you! Some, they tell them to move to another seat, they'll look up at the usher like he/she is carrying shit on the head (Eei God). I hurt on behalf of ushers. They'll smile to you welcoming you to church, instead of you to return the smile, you'll squeeze your face like you had an encounter with a member of the army on your way to church (you should always be happy while coming to church, and even as a believer. Regardless of what's happening with you, drop it at the feet of Jesus, and guide your joy!) Some of y'all will come early, and go and sit at the back... Then someone comes up and announces that, “If there's a vacant seat in front of you, please move to it." Or the ushers smile at you and asks you to move forward but you shot them a cold stare that if they moved closer to you, you can as well just land a slap on their faces. Come late if you wantu seat at the back. Then why will you come early, just to sit at the back?? It's a very bad habit! These guys will not sit down from the beginning of the meeting till the end; walking and moving about so things can be in order. If you're not comfortable with where they're asking you to sit, politely tell them, not reply like you're just arriving from the barracks. They're humans too, and their feelings can be hurt. The highest you can do is smile at them even when they're not smiling at you, and obey the small instruction they're giving you. If you cannot obey a simple human whom you can see, how do you obey God whom you cannot see??



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