What Kind Of Songs??

Hi guys! It's been a minute here (yeah, I know it's over a month now but forgive me. The issue is not that there's no content to post. The issue is that if the content does not bless me, I won't post it. I have over 5 drafts in my notepad but I feel it's missing something. When I fix what is missing, I'll put them out. Actually, I'm the writer but believe me when I tell you I'm always the first partaker of the blessings of my writings before I pass it across to you because I wait on inspiration from the Holy Spirit and there's no how the Holy Spirit wants to write something through me that I won't be blessed first. It's not that the Holy Spirit hasn't inspired me for months, it's because I have the habit of putting things aside when they're not as excellent as I want them to be. And if you're asking if I'm writing this as an inspiration from the Holy Spirit, the answer is yes! I was about to pray when He dropped this in my heart and both the Holy Spirit and I know that if I don't write it now, I might forget cogent information and end up with a substandard article). [My introduction is long and I'm sorry].

I wanted to tell that I'm writing this as an immediate intuition but where do I put the Holy Spirit because I didn't even have the intention to write but it just came and you're about to read is a particular topic I've been been having issues lately. 

I'm a lover of songs yeah. Matter of fact, I used to sing in the choir until I was directed to another department in church. I sing alto and tenor but I'm better at alto. Songs literally lift my Spirit and make me happy. It's something I can't explain. I've often heard Gospel music ministers say Every Song Is Backed Up By A Spirit" and I can't but agree with it because why will I be going through something and a song pops up in my head and in the lyrics, I get my answers (I bet it has happened to you before).

One thing I've realized is that nothing is really physical because as believers and from experience, we've been made to understand that “the spiritual controls the physical" and when I see an abnormality, it's obvious something has gone wrong in the realm of the Spirit like when a guy born a prince decides he wants to become a princess because he feels like it (you get?). My emphasis is on the fact that before anything can be properly established physically, it must have been finished in the realm of the spirit.

If as a believer, you still see things from the physical and surface level, then most probably, you're not aware that the realm of the spirit is more tangible than the physical realm and that's where the control room of the world is. If you believe things happen because it's normal, then you're wrong. These strange cultures that are springing up across the globe are signs to us.

Take for example, I saw something last year where an able and physically (maybe not mentally) fit person decides they want to be disabled or what is better known as “physically challenged." I mean, how would a sane person who can use both hands and legs and whose body systems are working perfectly wake up one day and decide they want to cut off their legs because they feel they should be disabled?? They now call themselves, transabled. I told the person I was with that day; I said, “there's nothing anyone can tell me. This is purely demonic. It stems from the bowels of demons." (I'm sorry but I don't stand to be corrected. I mean, take a moment to think about it). 

Thing is, this is not even the bone of contention but it leads us to our destination. From your experience as a Christian and the few words you've read in the previous paragraphs, it is safe to say that we're all thriving from the realm of the Spirit (that's if you're submitted to the Spirit of God). But if you're submitted to an opposite spirit, then you're thriving on the wings of the other spirit.

Now, haven established the fact that a believer is a spiritual being and is submit to God's Spirit, and also understands that nothing exists of its own because it must have happened in the spiritual realm, then we can conclude that whatever we allow into our system can affect our spirit either positively or negatively.

I don't know if you know where I'm going yet but please follow me, don't lose me (in PDaniel Olawande's voice). I mentioned earlier that I love songs and that music ministers have told us that they get these songs from the realm of the Spirit. What do you think about worldly secular songs? (I'm not even going to go into the difference between worldly and secular. The dictionary and Google is there to help). For the purpose of this article however, a worldly secular song (I'm singing both words for context sake because whatever is not Godly is simply secular) is the opposite of a Godly song. 

You must have been tired of me mentioning ”the spirit realm" by now but my dear readers, I'm just getting started. Do you know the way you listen to chants and songs, or even some Christian movies and you're geared to pray is backed up by a Spirit which is the Spirit of God? The devil can never prompt you to pray but he can actually make you pray the wrong prayers. Remember the Bible says, we ask and we receive not because we ask amiss. Jam. 4:3. Forgive me for attributing asking amiss to the devil. The guy no like us (he doesn't like us) so he's willing to do everything possible to make us stray from the right path and if we can withstand him, he'll still try to make us do the wrong things while on the right path. He never gets tired.

Actually, I want to believe by now, you should know where I'm going but if you don't, I'll help you. And I'll start with a question I always ask when I'm referring to this topic. “How do believers listen to worldly music?" Like, how? You watch a music video and you see a poor man, whom Jesus came to die for singing rubbish and smoking with reckless abandon, and a poor woman Jesus came to die for dancing with all her private organs outside. Even if you don't see the music video, how about the lyrics of the song?

There was a time I chose a particular worldly artiste to listen to. I thought, the beat is fine and the song is okay, but who sang it, and what moved him to sing it?? See, the fact that a worldly musician made a song out of a Bible verse does not make him a Gospel artiste or a believer. Because my dear, there's nothing satan cannot reproduce. Even the Bible says he disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14-15). Is it now that one that cannot sing a song we'll believe it's a Christian song just because the lyrics are from the Bible?? C'mon!

Some even go as far as changing the lyrics of a worldly song and fixing a “Christian-like" lyric in it. Does that make it better? No! It's like trying to bathe and dress a mentally deranged person in a three-piece suit with a nice haircut and good food. It doesn't change the fact that he is a madman because sooner or later, the man will go back to the waste bin. After all, that's where his mind has programmed him to be. 

You're the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. One made in the image of God. A man/woman called by God according to His purpose and God's grace ambassador. How then do you defile your Spirit man with the things of the world?? Sooner or later, whatever spirit is behind those ungodly songs you listen to will one day catch up with you and take charge. How can Lawrence Oyor's songs and Davido's songs dwell together on your phone? How?! You're confusing yourself o because neither the Holy Spirit nor the devil is confused. You're the confused one.

Mind you, I used to be guilty as I mentioned earlier. Matter of fact, I even listen to their love songs but as God would have it, we're having believers who're now making Godly love songs for us and if I can beat my chest for anyone, it'd be the renowned Joshua Mike-Bamiloye aka JayMikee. I know there are tons of others but I'm a big fan of this particular music minister. I know he has just 2 love songs yet but they're evergreen and I know them almost word for word and I'm looking forward to using them on my wedding day!

This wedding day made me remember something... Some believers will keep their Christian attire at home and wear an ungodly one on their wedding day because what?? “It's their wedding day?!" How do you publicly deny Jesus on such a day as that and then when the storm hit, you'll be calling on that same Jesus when you've glorified His eternal enemy publicly??

There's also the case of those who don't have the songs on their phone but have it in their heads. Yes, I was also in this Whatsapp group so don't make the mistake of thinking I'm a saint (though, God is helping me now). I was also guilty of this. Though, I didn't intentionally memorize them but you know, something you hear more often, there's no how it wouldn't stick to your head. How do you think you still remember your nursery rhymes word for word? 

Sometimes, I'd have forgotten myself and I'll unconsciously start singing the song until I get a check in my Spirit and I'll quickly switch to the next Christian song that comes to mind. You recall that I mentioned that I used to be in this group but not anymore because the Holy Spirit gave me the idea. It's one of the reasons I value earpieces, Airpods, earphones, etc. I can almost faint if I lose my earphones or if it gets spoilt, I can literally fall into depression because it's keep me safe and away from ungodly songs. 

How do I do it? When I'm out of the house, I always have my Bluetooth on standby so when I start hearing a wrong song maybe on the bus or anywhere, I immediately plug my Bluetooth in and play a song (I only have Christian songs now). Or I start singing a Christian song but I don't try to blank out on my own and be feeling like a superwoman that the song won't sink in. It's a lie! A big fat lie! Me that I know, give me 5 minutes, and I'll sing the song for you word for word! My brain has the capacity to retain words except I didn't hear them clearly.

Would you believe me if I told you as I write this now, a worldly song is playing in my head? This devil is a stupid boy sha but guess what I just did, I increased the volume of my prayers (I just told you my secret. I either pray before I write, during, after, or all of the above. It has helped a lot. How else would we be blessed by the write-up?

Funnily enough, I'm presenting this matter more peacefully than it is in my head. I know you might be expecting Bible verses in their numbers to support my claim and it's not that I don't have them and it's not that I intend to not use them but do you remember the Bible says you cannot serve two masters? (Matt. 6:24). As I wrote in a poem recently, you can lift holy hands stealthily and publicly glorify God's eternal enemy. 

You see, you can't sit on the fence. You have to choose one and leave the other. I stand to be corrected but I feel if you have a problem leaving worldly things behind and following God, then your master is not far-fetched. Don't deceive yourself. The devil has the upper hand. And if you want to break free from it, you have to ask Jesus to help you. 

You know, as I write, another thing dropped into my heart. Believers that are content creators that use worldly songs as their background songs should you flogged. Some are on TikTok and because they want their videos to trend or for it to be appealing to the public eye, they decide to use an ungodly song. I've even seen choristers of churches do it and I'm like, why??

To be quite frank, you cannot break out of this habit on your own without God's help. It's like trying to grab something from a baby. You know the strange superpower they possess when they take hold of things and the struggle it takes to release it from their hands. That's just an a mere illustration compared to how the devil is holding on and willing to not let go. 

You also have to be prepared to let go before God can help you. One thing I know about God is that He wouldn't interfere i n matters until you involve Him. He doesn't poke nose except you give Him the chance and space to do that. ỌLỌ́RUN Ò KÍ Ń BẸ́ (God does not get ahead of Himself). If you don't ask Him to help you and also make a conscious determination and effort to change, Jesus will come and meet worldly songs on your phone. I believe you know the repercussion is more than grave.

If you're trying to look good and blend in with people instead of with God, you've already activated the “self-destruct" button and it'll go off in no time! The spirit backing up that ungodly song you listen to has started work in your life but it's doing it quietly so you're not aware that your wall is crumbling little by little. The day it will rise like the sea wave, you would have been neck deep in it and it'd take God's grace and prayers to get you out. 

I know we're referring to songs today but I tell you, this topic transcends to our dressing, speech (using ungodly slangs), movies (it's not all movies you're liable to watch). Some are even believers but they don't want to be associated with Christ outside the church. They want to blend in with the world and still be okay with God. However, it doesn't work that way. It's either you're here or there. You cannot sit on the fence. Hence, you'll get pushed out (Rev. 3:16).

 What's the practical step you can take??
1. Ask God for mercy and forgiveness because it's a sin: Yes, it is. You're going against God's will and going against God's will is simply sin. There's no better word for it. I mean, when the spirit behind those songs start reacting, do you think you'll still be upright? The fact that you listen to the songs in the first place already tells us that you're losing your faith little by little. Remember, the Bible says in Prov. 28:13 that “whoever covers his sins shall not prosper." Yes, this verse might be referring to confessing your sin publicly but if you don't first confess to God, no amount of public confession will earn you forgiveness from God. 
2. Delete those songs from your phone first: I know it's already in your head but start with deleting the ones on your phone. You won't die I promise you. Take it from someone who has been there. It was difficult at first but I had to do it while praying as well. Asking God for forgiveness and still keeping the songs on your phone is pure self-deception. You're not ready to change. You're only pretending.
3. As for the one in your head, the first thing to do is pray about it. If I tell you that when you find yourself singing the song or humming its tune, change it to the first Christian song that comes to your mind, but what if the next song that comes is another ungodly song?? This is also good o. In fact, you should imbibe it but I tell you, the equation is not complete without prayers. It has to be prayer (first) + your determination and consistent effort which equals result. Dear reader, pray for God's help. It's as simple as that. You might not necessarily forget the song, but I tell you, you'll learn how to sing more Godly songs than the ungodly ones. 
4. Load your phone with Godly songs instead: as soon as you “prayerfully" delete those songs, replace them with Godly songs. They're so much you can't even exhaust them. Go online, there's Mercy Chinwo, Nathaniel Bassey, Minister GUC, Joshua Mike-Bamiloye, Dunsin Oyekan, and many more... Look for their songs and play them till you start hearing those songs in your dreams and immediately you wake up. Go the extra mile to listen and fill your mind with these songs more than you did for the ungodly ones. Put them on repeat day and night and get at least an earpiece just in case you're outside so you can plug them in your ears and block any ungodly song from coming in.
5. Take it one step at a step: they said Rome wasn't built in a day and it even takes about 21 to 30 days to create a new habit. Yes, you might fall and make mistakes along the way, pick yourself up again and continue. Make sure to be patient with yourself and also celebrate yourself each time you're able to overcome the temptation of singing and humming the wrong song.
6. Stay away from the triggers like friends who listen to those kinds of songs or the bus, by plugging in your ears when on a bus. 

Remember, the first ingredient is prayer, which starts with a prayer of forgiveness accompanied by the prayer of help. 

If you need more enlightenment on this subject matter, I recommend you visit JayMikee's YouTube channel. He has a video dedicated to Should Christians listen to secular songs? It's just 6 minutes long. Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel. God bless you and I pray that the Lord that helped me to break away from ungodly music will help you in Jesus name. 


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