Day 25

Compliments Of The Season True Christians! 

Today, we have some Christmas "Did You Know?" sumptuously cooked!

Shall we?

  1. The Bible never stated that three wise men visited Jesus. It only recorded “wise men.” (Matthew 2:1,7,16).
  2. We often see in Movies the pregnant Mary riding on a donkey beside Joseph to Jerusalem. The Bible never said she rode a donkey (she might have walked).
  3. While December the 25th is believed to be the day Christ was born but historians believe it must have been between March and June. The 25th of December was formerly a day for pagan festivity.
  4. Silent night is the most recorded Christmas song.
  5. Jingle bells was originally a thanksgiving song.
  6. We have decided to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ today and the reason He came was to save our souls from eternal damnation. 
Contrary to the saying "Everyday is not Christmas," Everyday should be Christmas because the fact that He came to this sinful earth to bear our sins and reconcile us with the Father is enough reasons to celebrate, and be joyous. Do not let His coming and dying be in vain. tell someone about Him at every chance you get. 

Do make the most of the holiday season, and try putting a smile on someone's face this season

Compliments of the season and Happy New Year In Advance!

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